BlogSeptember 2024

Celebrating Hispanic Contributions to Fishing

Celebrating Hispanic Contributions to Fishing

By Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF)

Sep 24, 2024

The Latinx community is a big part of TakeMeFishing and Vamos a Pescar and we love to see it. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. When is Hispanic Heritage Month, you might ask? It takes place from September 15 – October 15, we want to encourage more avid participation, not just from the Hispanic community, but all communities across our beautiful United States, to foster a sense of knowledge and fun that comes from the fishing experience.

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for support and to honor the Latinx and Latinx American contributions to our country through their work and initiatives. You don’t have to be Latinx to participate and show your support for this inclusive community. Some ways to show your support can include going to eat at a Hispanic family-owned restaurant, learning about a local non-profit that supports the Hispanic community and Hispanic families fishing, or even go fishing with friends of this community!

That’s the beauty of fishing, the fact that is a sport enjoyed by adults and children alike, and an international community of people. It shows our similarities and how we are more alike than we are different through diversity in fishing.

This is amazing to see, especially through fishing research and facts. For TakeMeFishing, this includes new findings from the Special Report on Fishing from 2024, which showcases how the Hispanic community is growing its fishing participation across the United States.

A Big Jump in Participation

The report states that there is a total of 6.3 million Hispanic participants, which equates to a 16% national participation rate. This number is almost double what the participation was from the Latinx community in 2013, which is exciting news. It means fishing is an active activity within the lives of friends and family with the potential of being passed down to generations to come.

As the report states, “The fastest growing segment of Hispanic participants in 2023 was those that fished just 1 to 3 times… 37 percent fished 1 to 3 times.”

Let’s Welcome New Anglers

In 2023 alone, there were over 800,000 new anglers from the Hispanic American community, which in turn makes up 18% of the new fishing participants overall. But where are these fellow anglers? Hispanics considering fishing as an activity were on the East and West Coasts, respectively, but also with a nice percentage residing in the Mountain and West South Central regions. We came to find that even “44 percent of Hispanics interested in fishing were under the age of 25, and another 33 percent were younger than 45,” as stated in the report.

Crossover Activities

It’s always an adventure to be on at fishing outing with friends and family while also incorporating another activity that we might enjoy. The Hispanic community agrees and many of them do enjoy activities such as kayaking, hunting, running, and hiking. With a high number of participants in bicycling, with 35%, and camping with 44%.

Whether it is Hispanic Heritage Month or just another day this year, the important message here is to embrace all communities, including our brothers and sisters from the Latinx community, who now make up our fishing community more than ever before. It is an great time when everyone who enjoys fishing can take part of this fun experience together and create new wonderful memories along the way.

Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF)
Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF)
The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) is a national, non-profit organization that has been leading the drive for over 20 years – in partnership with industry and government, and through its brands Take Me Fishing and Vamos A Pescar – to increase participation in recreational boating and fishing, thereby helping to conserve and restore our country’s aquatic natural resources.