BlogMarch 2020

3 Reasons to try Texas Jetty Fishing

3 Reasons to try Texas Jetty Fishing

By Andy Whitcomb

Mar 11, 2020

Texas jetty fishing can be very productive. Here’s why you might give them a try.

Texas has outstanding fishing opportunities. Freshwater fishing in Texas is famous for massive largemouth bass, catfish, and alligator gar, to name a few species. But if you are looking for saltwater fishing action, without exaggerating, there are over 3000 miles for Texas coastal fishing. And one of best ways to start is look into Texas jetty fishing. Here’s why:

Deeper water

Shoreline or surf fishing can be great but there are times when access to deeper water is helpful to reach cooperative fish. And yes, bigger fish can lurk in deeper water. Boats provide the best mobility for locating the hot fish bite anywhere but you won’t get sea sick jetty fishing.


Texas jetty fishing always has some fish in the vicinity. If you’ve ever fished “rip-rap” along the face of an impoundment dam, in a similar manner, these long, man-made piles of rocks create a significant amount of surface area for starting the food chain with algae. Soon afterwards shellfish, snails, crabs, and such appear and then opportunistic fish are right behind them.


Sometimes, waves are good for firing up the fish bite. However, too much of a chop creates difficult fishing conditions. Among any list of jetting fishing tips is to consider the other side. Not only is there often a difference in wave action but current as well. Even though fishing in a relatively small area, anglers will be able to find a wide range to fishing conditions when jetty fishing.

Texas jetty fishing is an opportunity to hook up with a variety of species of fish such as black drum, redfish, and sheepshead. Standard saltwater rigs with bait, such as shrimp, mullet, or squid may need to be tweaked to keep from snagging on rocks for the best jetty fishing. Before venturing out, such as for Galveston jetty fishing, check the conditions, perhaps by peeking at a nearby online streaming pier cam, and be sure your Texas fishing license includes saltwater, or “all water” options.

Andy Whitcomb
Andy Whitcomb
Andy is an outdoor writer ( and stressed-out Dad has contributed over 380 blogs to since 2011. Born in Florida, but raised on banks of Oklahoma farm ponds, he now chases pike, smallmouth bass, and steelhead in Pennsylvania. After earning a B.S. in Zoology from OSU, he worked in fish hatcheries and as a fisheries research technician at OSU, Iowa State, and Michigan State.