BlogJune 2020

Where to Find Fishing Bait near me

Where to Find Fishing Bait near me

By Andy Whitcomb

Jun 11, 2020

Live bait is great way to catch fish. Here’s where you can find some bait nearby.

Summer is here and you are fishing or thinking about fishing. Fish are reaching their maximum metabolism rate and so are eating constantly. Anglers might as well take the role as middleman in the food chain and have some fun.

Terrestrial bait can be found in a variety of places. In fact, when you step outside in the yard, you may be surprised by the amount of handy bait. Peek under those rocks or planters from your DIY landscaping project for earthworms and crickets. Do a little digging and grubs and nightcrawlers may be around leaves and logs. There also is potential for some DIY catfish bait by collecting those leaf-munching pests in your garden such as grasshoppers, inchworms, and tomato hornworms.

For aquatic bait, make sure you pay close attention to regulations. When investigating aquatic fishing bait near me there may be rules for setting minnow traps, types of nets, or even additional license requirements. Also, to prevent spread of invasive species, never release aquatic bait in different locations. Additionally, you need to KNOW what you have caught to keep from accidentally using bait that may be protected.

Spend a little time on the internet and locate a “fishing bait shop near me.” Although live bait can be pricey at times, at least the baitfish are known species such as fathead minnows or golden shiners. Plus, that fishing bait shop near me probably has everything needed for rigging and keeping bait alive such as insulated buckets and battery-operated bubblers for oxygen.

If you are interested in what bait to use for bass, consider doing a little bait fishing first. Tie a bit of leftover meat to a line and lower it down a crayfish hole. Wait for tiny tug and lift slowly. Some great bass bait may be stubbornly hanging on. Also, small sunfish, large golden shiners, and creek chubs first caught with tiny jigs on light line micro rods are fun, and then (again where regulations allow) can be great bass bait because bass love large bait. When considering what bait to use in summer, bass will eat smaller bait like earthworms too but often sunfish will beat them to it.

Not every bug goes on a hook; stick with traditional fish fare. Also, anglers often interchange the words “bait” and “lure,” so if you have young anglers that have live bait issues, the best fishing bait near me may be that package of soft-plastic worms already in your tackle box.

Andy Whitcomb
Andy Whitcomb
Andy is an outdoor writer ( and stressed-out Dad has contributed over 380 blogs to since 2011. Born in Florida, but raised on banks of Oklahoma farm ponds, he now chases pike, smallmouth bass, and steelhead in Pennsylvania. After earning a B.S. in Zoology from OSU, he worked in fish hatcheries and as a fisheries research technician at OSU, Iowa State, and Michigan State.