BlogJuly 2023

4 Ways to Participate in Latino Conservation Week

4 Ways to Participate in Latino Conservation Week

By Claudina Hannon

Jul 10, 2023

List of ways to participate in Latino Conservation Week by getting involved with a local cause, supporting Latino leaders, and spreading the word about conservation in person and social media

Conservation efforts allow us to do our part to help sustain the Earth’s most precious resources in the form of wildlife, plants, air, minerals, soil, and water. For Latinos, these goals are no different, and it is during Latino Conservation Week that the Latinos’ roles are highlighted in conservation through impactful work that benefits our planet’s natural resources.

This year, Latino Conservation Week celebrates its 10th year during July 15-23, 2023. It’s a time when Latinos and supporters of this cause come together to celebrate and encourage other fellow Latinos and community members to reinforce the importance of conservation practices across the United States. There are many Latinos who already work towards the conservation progress in their daily and volunteer jobs, and this week we also honor their efforts.

As members of the TakeMeFishing community and as anglers and boaters. Conservation can look different to each one of you. It may be through helping in fisheries, encouraging, and practicing catch and release, water conservation, or even through education of these topics that can help people learn how to apply these practices during their own time.

Interested in joining these efforts? Here are four ways of supporting and celebrating Latino Conservation Week this year.


1. Advocate for Opportunities

We all can benefit from a well-rounded and diverse community and by helping to advocate for opportunities that are inclusive of the Latino community. This can be through awareness of programs that can reach the Latino community that pertain to outdoor recreation opportunities and conservation efforts. You can get involved by supporting the Latino Conservation Week cause or hosting an event in your community to support conservation and Latinos’ roles in it.

2. Participate in Events

Find events in your area covering those areas of conservation you might be interested in, such as wilderness or forests. The Latino Conservation Week website has events by date and location, where you can explore and see where there’s an exciting opportunity near you. There’s anything from a fishing event with Wild Rivers Conservancy in Minnesota, to coffeetime with birds in California, to a campfire at dusk in Colorado. Find what you’re passionate about and give it a try! You will make great connections with like-minded people while supporting a good cause.


3. Support Community Leaders

Check out which Latino organizations are out there that support conservation efforts and get involved with their causes in your own way. There’s a way you can connect via community webinars through the Latino Conservation Week site and see who’s a changemaker you’d like to follow or potentially partner with if you’re curious about hosting an event. Some Latino organizations that are environmentally-conscious include the Hispanic Access Foundation, Green Latinos, and Latino Outdoors.

4. Share Conservation Efforts

Spreading the word about Latino Conservation Week is simple and worthwhile. Thanks to the power of technology and social media, you can share more about this important cause and conservation in general on your social media platforms or by sharing any relevant post from our Facebook, TwitterInstagram, TikTok, and YouTube channels, so other people you know become aware of the importance of conservation and get involved in helping with the sustainability of our water, air, earth, and wildlife.


Taking part in conservation activities and efforts can be a rewarding experience. Especially when knowing that we’re all in it together. Latino Conservation Week shows us what can be done to create waves of positive impact starting with individuals, then communities, then the world.

Claudina Hannon
Claudina Hannon
Claudina Hannon is the Digital Content Manager for Take Me Fishing. She is a long-time writer, editor, and communications professional. Claudina grew up by the beach in the coastline of Peru. That’s why her connection with the water has always been present. But also, thanks to her uncle, who was an avid angler and boater. Today she shares her love of the outdoors, wildlife, and our natural resources through her daily life, writing, and overall work.