BlogJuly 2015

Night Fishing Trip: Same Place, Different Results

Night Fishing Trip: Same Place, Different Results

By Andy Whitcomb

Jul 13, 2015

If you are looking for new places to fish, try your regular fishing holes… in the dark.

If you are looking for new places to fish, try your regular fishing holes… in the dark. A fishing trip at night is a whole new ballgame. With much of your vision hindered, other senses like touch/feel and hearing must step it up.

Here are three reasons to try a fishing trip at night:

  1. Less fishing pressure. If you have avoided a location because it is shoulder-to-shoulder during the day, you will probably find a greatly reduced crowd on a fishing trip at night. In a recent Bassmaster magazine issue, Elite Series Pro Jason Williamson shared that his preferred 3 hour window of summer bass fishing is at night due to “less boat traffic and cooler temperatures.”

  2. Different fish. You may notice that larger fish show up to the party. Even on heavily pressured areas during the day, large bass or brown trout now may lurk and hit with confidence. In his book, Rising Trout, Charles K. Fox wrote: “they just don’t seem to believe that any fisherman is out to fool them at that time.” Some species such as flathead catfish and walleye may seem absent during the day, but become the dominant species when the sun drops below the horizon.

  3. Pure adrenaline. As if catching a fish wasn’t enough excitement, now there is the additional mystery of what could be tugging on the end of your line in the dark. And was that an armadillo in the leaves behind me or was that something larger? Topwater lures twitched along the surface during a nighttime fishing trip can be a hoot.

When you venture out on a fishing trip at night, stay safe. Take a friend, or at least let someone know where you are going even if the place is familiar during the day. Bring a flashlight and a backup. And another backup. Bug spray can be critical to combat annoying insects but avoid getting it on your hands and adding unwanted scent to your bait. Be patient and don’t rush your movement or casting. And don’t forget to notice the stars, the tree frogs, and the fireflies all doing their best to add to the ambiance.

Have you gone on a fishing trip at night? If so, what did you catch? Check out our interactive map for other great places to fish near you!

Andy Whitcomb
Andy Whitcomb
Andy is an outdoor writer ( and stressed-out Dad has contributed over 380 blogs to since 2011. Born in Florida, but raised on banks of Oklahoma farm ponds, he now chases pike, smallmouth bass, and steelhead in Pennsylvania. After earning a B.S. in Zoology from OSU, he worked in fish hatcheries and as a fisheries research technician at OSU, Iowa State, and Michigan State.