BlogJuly 2015

2015 Fishing Statistics

2015 Fishing Statistics

By Bruna Carincotte

Jul 17, 2015

The 2015 Special Report on Fishing shows important fishing statistics.

The 2015 Special Report on Fishing shows important fishing statistics. Over 46 Million of people are hooked on fishing in the U.S. which shows that fishing remains among the most popular outdoor activities for adults. Another great fishing statistics found in the report is that the traditionally male-dominated activity now welcomes a greater high percentage of female participants.

Spending time with family and friends continue to be the largest reason to participate in fishing, but also catching fish, getting away from the usual demands of life and enjoying the sounds/smells of nature are also mentioned as reasons to fish. Over 80% of participants report catching fish during their last fishing trip!

The report also shows that 81% of the fishing trips are spontaneous or planned within a week of the trip. Which shows how spontaneous fishing can be!

If we look into the Hispanic fishing population, the report also shows that Hispanic fishing participants average 25.78 days on the water per year. This is over six days more than the average days for all fishing participants in the country. Also, we have newcomers in the sport: More than 2.4 million people had their very first fishing experience last year and nearly 82% of fishing trips involve more than one person.

If we look into the future of fishing, the report reveals that almost 4.3 million youth (11%) would like to try fishing. This could be a great opportunity to grow the sport. Other great statistics on fishing can be found in the report, including fishing statistics by gender, age, ethnicity, income, education and geography.

Check the infographics below for the report's top learnings!


Bruna Carincotte
Bruna Carincotte
Bruna Carincotte brings to RBFF an extensive International experience in marketing, communications and public relations.  Originally from Brazil, and fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English, Bruna has 13 years of experience in communications, with relevant project management skills developed in Latin America, Europe and North America.
Bruna now oversees public relations and social media strategies, as well as content development for RBFF’s social media channels and it’s Take Me Fishing™ | Vamos a Pescar™ brand campaigns.