BlogJuly 2014

Places to Boat and Fish

Places to Boat and Fish

By Tom Keer

Jul 21, 2014

Remember how the digital world was positioned as a way to make life easier and more efficient?  In some ways it hasn’t but in other ways it certainly has been wildly successful.  A lot of fishing sites are a great example, with finding a spot to go boating or fishing being an important one.

Remember how the digital world was positioned as a way to make life easier and more efficient?  In some ways it hasn’t but in other ways it certainly has been wildly successful.  A lot of fishing sites are a great example, with finding a spot to go boating or fishing being an important one.

Back in the day I would learn about spots from magazine articles.  The articles were helpful and informative, and they’d talk about time of year, access points, species to catch, and tackle recommendations.  Some would mention tackle shops, others would give a nod towards guides, and the detailed ones would have food and lodging recommendations.

After reading and article that appealed to my tastes and preferences I would talk with friends to see if they knew anything about the place or the area.  Much of the time someone had been there or we got a friend of a friend game of telephone going.  If the information was fresh all was good, but I remember a number of times when there were bumps.

I remember the time I sat in traffic because the four lanes dropped to one.  I was worried someone was going to cream the boat I was hauling.  When I finally got to my destination and checked in at my hotel I found that the closest boat ramp (which is why I chose that hotel) was under repair.  The next closest one was 45 minutes away.  There was a lot of traffic due to the harbor dredging project which impacted the fishing.  When we returned a few years later we had epic fishing, but during that initial trip?  It was a complete bomb.

And while a lot of the technology age causes us all to do more work, anglers and boaters seem to have it figured out just right.  We can jump on a site to do research, get current information, and get out on the water.  Most of us have a bunch of stored sites, and if you’re looking for a new one try adding the Take Me Fishing Places to Boat and Fish section.  It’s one more version to cross reference places to fish, to learn more about species you’ll catch, find recommendations of where to stay and eat, to buy a license, and to even find comments from other anglers.  Gathering that amount of information in a single serving takes a lot of time and resources, and they’re always changing and updating.  A site like that means anglers can get on the water faster than ever.  Now just be sure to check the weather and the traffic flows….

Check out the Places to Boat & Fish Map.
Tom Keer
Tom Keer
Tom Keer is an award-winning writer who lives on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  He is a columnist for the Upland Almanac, a Contributing Writer for Covey Rise magazine, a Contributing Editor for both Fly Rod and Reel and Fly Fish America, and a blogger for the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation’s Take Me Fishing program.  Keer writes regularly for over a dozen outdoor magazines on topics related to fishing, hunting, boating, and other outdoor pursuits.  When they are not fishing, Keer and his family hunt upland birds over their three English setters.  His first book, a Fly Fishers Guide to the New England Coast was released in January 2011.  Visit him at or at