BlogJanuary 2022

8 Ways To Reduce Stress in the New Year

8 Ways To Reduce Stress in the New Year

By Debbie Hanson

Jan 05, 2022

Make a new year’s resolution to reduce the stress and anxiety in your daily life. Here are 8 ways to reduce stress in the new year!

Modern life is full of stressors that increase anxiety and no one is immune to being impacted by stress. In fact, it is said that 70% of American adults report feeling stress or anxiety in their daily life. Here are 8 ways to reduce stress in the new year.

1. Focus On Sleep

From our eating habits to the amount of stress we feel day to day, so much in our daily lives are impacted by how well or poorly we sleep. While stress may keep you up at night, when you focus on sleep you will go a long way toward a less stressful new year. Consider audiobooks, nature sounds or ASMR to help you fall asleep faster. You may just unlock the key to a happier life with more, and more restful, sleep.

2. Keep A Gratitude Journal

Whether on paper or through a free gratitude smartphone app, starting and/or ending each and every day by quickly jotting down three things you are grateful for on that day or in that moment may help eliminate stress, bring you more into the present, and help you realize all the good that’s in your life on a daily basis. Get started by learning the 10 reasons you have to be thankful right now.

3. Saving Before Spending

As you consider your budget for the new year, this one simple personal finance adjustment may help reduce stress over money: start your budget with the amount you wish to save. By moving saving goals from the bottom (only if there’s anything left) to the top priority, and making spending adjustments accordingly, your savings account balance will grow and your stress recede.

4. Explore A New Hobby

Maybe you want to start kayaking regularly, camping on weekends, or try a new kind of fishing. One of the ways you can reduce stress in the new year is by picking up a new hobby. As you focus on learning something new, you may discover something about yourself while baking or reading or boating or freshwater fishing. Along the way, your stress level could be reduced and replaced with joy.

5. Declutter Your Life

By streamlining your surroundings as well as your social circle, you may find that you suffer less stress from day to day. Start by removing unnecessary things from your home, car and office. This could mean going through your drawers and closets for clothes you haven’t worn in ages, books you have already or will never read, and even pieces of furniture that do not add anything useful or beautiful to your life. Sell or donate these ancillary things and live in a world with less stuff. Along those same lines, consider cutting toxic people from your menu of relationships options. If someone is habitually causing you stress, you may be better off not holding that individual close.

6. More Physical Movement

Notice we are not saying exercise more. It is cliché to join a gym in the new year, and make a grand plan to run everyday or exercise every night. Instead, focus on simply everyday ways you can increase physical movement. This could be as simple as listening to music on vinyl instead of through your phone. Why? Because roughly every 23 minutes you will need to stand up, walk to the turntable, and flip the record over. Another clever way to introduce more movement into your life is to not carry your water bottle or glass of water around with you at home. Leave it in the kitchen as make return trips to take a sip. These tiny extra movements can help you become less stressed, less sedentary, healthier and happier in the new year.

7. Find a New Routine

Routines add structure to life and with structure comes less stress. Start each day by making the bed and end it with a face care regiment. In between, compartmentalize the parts of your daily life that allow for a regular routine. You may just feel lighter, happier, and more focused as a result of a life that’s more organized.

8. Get Outside

You can go fishing in National Parks to reduce stress in the new year, but simply being outside in nature and breathing fresh air can go a long way to grounding you, helping you be more present in the moment, and basking in the simple joy of life. Plus, letting sunlight kiss your face and skin fights your battles against stress by boosting serotonin levels!

As you make plans for a happy 2022, check out these 5 new year’s resolution ideas!

Debbie Hanson
Debbie Hanson
Debbie Hanson is an award-winning outdoor writer, women’s sport fishing advocate, IGFA world record holder, and freshwater guide living in Southwest Florida. Hanson’s written work has appeared in publications such as Florida Game & Fish Magazine, BoatUS Magazine, and USA Today Hunt & Fish. To learn more about her work, visit or follow her on Instagram @shefishes2.