BlogJanuary 2020

A Starter Checklist For Family Fishing Trips

A Starter Checklist For Family Fishing Trips

By Alycia Downs

Jan 27, 2020

Fishing trips are the perfect blend of quality time and outdoor adventure. Here’s a starter checklist for your family fishing trips.

There is no time greater spent than time with family in the outdoors. It’s where life’s most treasured memories are made. Where imaginations ignite and minds are filled with wonder. Where the wind, sun, and rain awaken our souls and make us feel alive. Sometimes, we find ourselves in nature spontaneously, but often, it takes planning and intention to make time outside with family. Fishing trips are the perfect blend of quality time and outdoor adventure. Here’s a fishing trip checklist to help you get started.

Ask Alexa

Use the new Take Me Fishing skill for Amazon Alexa to find family fishing trip ideas near you.

Fishing license

Once your destination is mapped, look into fishing license requirements and regulations to be sure you’re compliant before hitting the water.

First aid kit

A safety necessity for all life’s little bumps, scrapes, and bug bites. Be sure to pack bandages, ointment, antihistamines, and sunscreen along with other first aid essentials.

Bait and tackle

If you’re not fishing with a guide, be prepared to bring a well-stocked tackle box for the type of fishing you’ll be doing. If using live bait, you’ll need to research the best food options for your target species.

Navigational devices

Today’s GPS devices are useful for navigating, but can also be used to call for help in an emergency and if you are out of cell service. These useful safety devices are worth the peace of mind.


You’ll want to capture these special moments. Use your photos to make a slideshow or put together a scrapbook your family will treasure forever.

Lucky fishing hat

Don’t have one yet? Maybe this is the trip where you’ll all christen your official “lucky fishing hats”—there’s nothing like a few good fishing trips to stir up a little fun and tradition!

Check out more of our fishing trip checklist ideas or, if you’re booking a guide for your fishing trips, first confirm what items they provide versus what you are expected to bring. Enjoy!

Alycia Downs
Alycia Downs
Alycia Downs is a freelance content creator and avid sportsman who contributes to numerous publications promoting tourism, fishing, and outdoors. Alycia is a member of the Florida Outdoor Writers Association and is actively involved with conservation and fishing non-profit organizations. Visit her personal blog at or on Instagram @tideandtale.