The Best Winter Outdoor Gear
By Jeff Bogle
Feb 23, 2023
Discover the best outdoor winter running gear you’ll need this year to stay comfortable and safe as you continue to run, fish, and work outside
Not only can the cold weather months bring on a case of the winter blues, but the darkness and chill in the air often make it a challenge to get outside to run, work, and exercise. But when you outfit yourself with the best outdoor winter running gear, you'll be able to comfortably and safely stay fit throughout the year. Here's the best winter outdoor gear you need to keep working outside, go winter bass fishing, and to stay motivated to continue working out when Mother Nature gets frosty.
The Importance of Layering
Smart runners and those who work outside know how important it is to dress in layers. A thin jacket is often preferred to a heavy one because it can be tied around your waist easily if you start to get too warm, and beneath it, choose a synthetic base layer that will effectively wick away sweat from your skin. The best outdoor winter work gear will not only keep you warm but give you options as your body temperature and level of activity fluctuate.
Whether you're looking for the best winter outdoor running gear, have winter travel plans, plan on fishing during the chilly months, or simply have some work to do outside, a lightweight insulated jacket is essential. The best outdoor winter gear will be able to be layered and work in concert with the rest of your ensemble, like a durable shell outer layer that moves with you as you run all winter long.
Focus on Your Extremities
Hands and feet, and your head, especially if not flush with hair, will get cold first so it is crucial to have the best winter outdoor gear to protect your extremities.
Fleece-lined synthetic gloves
You see English footballers wearing them while playing on blustery British winter days and nights for a reason: because the hands are the first part of the body to feel the freeze! So, you too should make gloves a key piece of your winter running attire!

Bluetooth headband
Sometimes, a beanie hat is too much even in the depth of winter. Keep your ears toasty and the tunes that push you to reach the next milepost playing with a Bluetooth headband. These synch to your phone to stream your playlist or the best outdoor podcasts and keep you going while outside during the winter.
Quick dry socks
Quick dry socks are the best outdoor winter gear because they will keep your toes warm without overcrowding your sneakers, and importantly, your feet won’t become sweaty. Great running socks make the best winter outdoor gear because they are so soft, keep your feet dry, and will feel luxurious, keeping you striving towards your chilly personal best time.
You probably associate the need for sunglasses with summertime on the beach, but they are the best outdoor winter running gear because protecting your eyes against the harmful effects of the sun is important in the winter too! The UV rays present on cold, snowy, and generally overcast winter days can still cause permanent damage to your eyes, and the glare of the sun off the ice and snow on the ground can make it hard to see where you’re going.

Simply put, winter days are shorter and devoid of the sun’s helpful illumination in the early morning and late afternoon. During these months, one of the best outdoor running gear gadgets available is a headlamp to shine a light on your path while keeping your hands free and your focus on the terrain, twists, and turns up ahead.
Hot Hands Hand and Feet Warmers
When the weather is cold and wet, your extremities are the first to get uncomfortably numb and start to freeze. In addition to gloves, socks, and sneakers, hand and feet warmers are also the best winter outdoor gear for runners and anyone needing to be outside during the darker, snowy, and chilly months.
Heated Vest
Explorers and outdoors people from yesteryear would have loved to enjoy the modern technology of staying warm while working outside, fishing, or camping. Battery-powered heated vests offer long-lasting warmth in a lightweight package that’s also water and wind resistant. Getting up to 10 hours of warmth per charge makes a heated vest the best outdoor winter work gear for anyone needing to be outside in the cold for extended periods of time.
Now that you know about the best winter outdoor gear you need to stay safe, warm, and comfortable, get outside and try a new winter hobby this year!