BlogAugust 2014

7 Reasons Why Families Love Fishing Together

7 Reasons Why Families Love Fishing Together

By Debbie Hanson

Aug 04, 2014

Life just seems to get busier and busier, doesn’t it? Parents are often caught performing major juggling acts between work, school activities for the kids, sports practice, helping out with homework, and a host of other responsibilities.

Life just seems to get busier and busier, doesn’t it? Parents are often caught performing major juggling acts between work, school activities for the kids, sports practice, helping out with homework, and a host of other responsibilities. Plus, as a society, we are always plugged into our phones, laptops or tablets and we forget that it's important to schedule in some downtime.


For this exact reason, family fishing trips often become eagerly awaited and treasured events. Families love fishing together because it can be a great way to decompress while spending time in the outdoors. Fishing provides a means for "digital detoxing" and helps us all remember that there IS actually life away from cords and computers. You'll never believe it, but guess what? The world won't come to an end if you miss an email or a post on Facebook.


When I asked a group of anglers to weigh in on the specific reasons they had for appreciating time spent fishing with family, here is what they had to say.

  1. "Fishing is about appreciating Mother Nature and precious time with loved ones." (Tim Jones)


  2. "We never need an excuse to get together -- it's just understood that fishing happens as often as possible." (Caitie Caroleo)

  3. "The peace and beauty of the water provides the best setting for time spent with family and friends. Throw in some sightings of wildlife or bites on the line and everything is fine." (Samuel Arcure)

  4. "Keeps the kids off the computer." (Curtis Josey)


  5. "No stress on the water!" (John Cook)


  6. "It's about family bonding time while forcing us to be closer together physically." (Amy Awe)


  7. "Gets us outside and breathing clean air on the ocean. This is especially important for us since my son has asthma." (Joe Sarmiento)


If you take family fishing trips often, what are some of the other reasons why you cherish the time you spend together on the water? Sign into the Take Me Fishing Community and share your thoughts… then get outside and go fishing!

Debbie Hanson
Debbie Hanson
Debbie Hanson is an award-winning outdoor writer, women’s sport fishing advocate, IGFA world record holder, and freshwater guide living in Southwest Florida. Hanson’s written work has appeared in publications such as Florida Game & Fish Magazine, BoatUS Magazine, and USA Today Hunt & Fish. To learn more about her work, visit or follow her on Instagram @shefishes2.