7 Things to Have When Camping and Fishing with Your Family
By Johana Reyes
Apr 03, 2019
Here are some things you need when going on a camping and fishing trip.
If you love the outdoors, you will want to share that passion with your family. Of course, camping alone is different from camping with your family. The trip is no longer about one person and the parents must consider the things that will make their kids enjoy the camping trip as well. Remember that camping and fishing need the right equipment to make it fun. Here are some things you need when going on a camping and fishing trip.
1. Camping Tent

You need to arrange the shelter on the campground. The most important thing is your tent. Get a sturdy tent for your camp. The tent should be big enough to accommodate your family. They should be able to move freely in it. If you love privacy, make arrangements for that. There are tents that allow you to have your privacy. You should remember that it is not easy to make a tent. After all, a tent is not something you do at home every day. This is why you need to practice the mounting process at home before going on the trip.Practice until you are certain that you can mount the tent without problems. Make sure that you take everything that you will need to fix the tent. Speaking of shelter, you should also bring some sleeping bags and blankets.
2. Bikes

Since it is a family event, come along with bikes for the children and yourselves. The kids will love to explore and it will be difficult for them to see the entire campground on foot. Also, you will not need to worry about vehicles when riding the bike. The bikes will keep your children busy and they will get to experience what they never experience back at home. You can also use that opportunity to teach your kids who do not know how to ride bikes
3. Food

Food is one of the most important things you need to pack for a camping and fishing trip. When planning your food, you need to do it cautiously. You will not want to be short on food while on your adventure. You need to create a menu. Write down the food you and your family will take for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Prepare what you can prepare at home. If you are packing meat, marinate it. If you are packing vegetables, chop what can be chopped.
4. Fishing Boats

You will need a good fishing boat if you are going for boat fishing. With boat fishing, you get to enjoy a trip on water while fishing. Boats are expensive but if you need to make your trip memorable, you need to invest in one. Consider the size of the boat and the type of boat you need. The type of boat you need also depends on the weather condition at the time. Remember that the boat needs to be registered before you can take it out for fishing.
If you cannot afford the boat you want, you can get external help in financing the purchase of the boat. There are agencies and firms who offer several types of boat loans. You can check the boat financing details and choose the one that works best for you. Apart from a good boat, you will need lines, hooks, sinkers, plastic worms, bobbers, needle nose pliers, lures, rod, reel, and line cutters. Most of these things will go into your tackle box.
5. First Aid Kit

The first aid kit will be useful for both camping and fishing. Camping and fishing adventures are not very prone to accidents but they can happen. If you suffer from minor injuries, unfortunately, you will need to administer first aid before seeking medical care. You need to pack some band aids and a couple of bandages. You also need some waterproof medical tape for your fishing trip. You also need to include some antibacterial ointments.
6. Alternative Weather Wear

You need to check the weather forecast for the day to know the kind of clothing to pack. Apart from that, you should pack alternative clothing. For instance, if the weather forecast says it will be sunny, pack some clothes for the rain as well. The weather may change and you will not want to go to a camp site where your family is uncomfortable due to the change in weather. Apart from this, make sure that your clothes are protective. Pack shoes, socks, and hats. Get a laundry bag since you are going as a family. It is easier to organize worn clothes if you have a laundry bag.
7. Lighting

Even in our homes where we are familiar with the layout and we know exactly where everything is, we still need lighting. How much more if we are in a place that we are new to. Some of the most important things you will need for your camp are lantern, headlamp, or flashlight. Ideally, they should be powered by batteries and you should carry extra batteries. Since it is a family trip, get one for every member of the family unless they are too young to carry one. Infants or others who cannot move about without supervision may not need one.
Check our interactive map to find places to fish and boat near you.