BlogApril 2016

11 Reasons Why Fishing With Grandpa Is The Coolest

11 Reasons Why Fishing With Grandpa Is The Coolest

By Debbie Hanson

Apr 08, 2016

If you spent time fishing with grandpa as a youngster, I'm sure you will always remember the proud smile that spread across his face when you caught your first bluegill.

If you spent time fishing with grandpa as a youngster, I'm sure you will always remember the proud smile that spread across his face when you caught your first bluegill. You were on top of the world that day, and it was grandpa that helped you get there. While your circle of fishing companions has undoubtedly expanded as the years have passed, those days spent fishing with grandpa will always be among your favorites.

Perhaps you have kids of your own now, so of course you want your kids to have the opportunity to make the same kind of special fishing memories with grandpa that you did. Which is why it's the perfect time to consider all of the reasons why a day spent fishing with grandpa is the coolest.

  1. You can sit on the pier for hours together with your lines in the water, and even if you don't get a single bite, you still have a great day.
  2. He shares helpful techniques and fishing tips that he has learned throughout his many years of angling.
  3. He is always encouraging. If you miss a bite or lose a fish, he reminds you that it's just part of fishing. Besides, if you caught every fish, it would be called "catching" instead of fishing.
  4. He shares fantastic fish stories about some of his greatest catches… as well as stories of the ones that got away.
  5. He will even go fishing with you when it's raining out (as long as there is no lighting) because "the fish don't mind, they are already wet."
  6. He is always patient and calm. He knows that it might take you a few casts in order to get your line into the right spot, and he knows that the fish don't like a lot of noise or commotion.
  7. His tackle box is always perfectly organized. He has a reason for keeping every lure, hook and weight in its proper place.
  8. Fishing with grandpa is the coolest because he brings along the best fishing snacks for you both to share in between bites.
  9. He models good fishing conservation practices and teaches you why ethical angling is important.
  10. He likes to get an early start so you both can watch the sunrise together.
  11. You admire him because he knows how to tie a bunch of different fishing knots, and he ties them fast.

Now that you have been reminded of all of the reasons why fishing with grandpa is the coolest, just check your state fishing regulations, and buy a fishing license online. Then, give grandpa a call. I bet he'd be thrilled to go fishing.

Debbie Hanson
Debbie Hanson
Debbie Hanson is an award-winning outdoor writer, women’s sport fishing advocate, IGFA world record holder, and freshwater guide living in Southwest Florida. Hanson’s written work has appeared in publications such as Florida Game & Fish Magazine, BoatUS Magazine, and USA Today Hunt & Fish. To learn more about her work, visit or follow her on Instagram @shefishes2.