<p>An excellent food fish and popular sport fish, the wiper’s popularity continues to grow among anglers.</p>

Midwest, South, Northeast, West
Catch ease
Lake, River, Pond
The wiper’s appearance is intermediate between the two parents. It has six to eight dark horizontal stripes over a silver-white background with a dark charcoal to black back. It has two dorsal fins, the anterior with 8-10 sharp spines. It is slightly heavier bodied than the striped bass and grows up to 12 pounds in weight and 24 inches in length. Some specimens are known to reach weights of over 20 pounds.
Wipers can be found all across the continental United States as a result of fish hatcheries. The wiper is actually a cross between a striped bass and a white bass. This cross, sometimes referred to as the ‘original cross,’ was first produced in South Carolina in the mid-1960’s using eggs from the striped bass and sperm from a white bass. The wiper has gained widespread acceptance as a sport fish, particularly in the large reservoirs of the southeast where it is extensively stocked because of the abundance of forage fish. The following list includes additional details on where to catch this fish:
Cliffs |
Gradual Shores |
Inlets and Outlets |
Islands or Sand Bars |
Overhanging Trees and Bushes |
Points and Break Lines |
Shoreline Shallows |
Sunken Objects |
Freshwater Weed Beds |
Freshwater Lakes and Ponds |
Holes |
Inside Turns and Coves |
Open Water |
Piers, Docks and Pilings |
Rocks |
Spring Holes |
Walkways and Bridges |
How to catch Wiper
Wipers are very aggressive fighters, and tend to stay together in schools. Trolling baits or lures is the most common technique used to target them in many areas but they can also be caught on spin, bait casting, and fly tackle using artificial and natural baits. The following are fishing methods used to catch this fish:
Wiper lures, tackle & bait
The following are lures, tackle or bait that can be used to catch this fish: