White Shark
<p>Despite its infamy, the great white shark is a relatively uncommon species.</p>

South, Northeast, West
Catch ease
Bay, Ocean
The snout is conical and ends in a point, hence the name “white pointer.” There is a large, very prominent, flattened keel on either side of the caudal peduncle. It can be distinguished from all other sharks by its teeth, which are large and triangular like stone arrowheads, with sharp, serrated cutting edges. The great “white” shark is actually a grayish brown color above, fading to an off-white color on the belly. The pectoral fins are black-tipped, and there is a black oval spot on the body just above the pectoral fins. It reaches sexual maturity at a length of 11-14 feet.
The white shark occurs worldwide, most commonly in cool temperate seas. It is best known in parts of the central and western Pacific, especially off Australia and New Zealand. On the Pacific coast of the United States it stays in the cool, southbound inshore current off California, but does not occur in California’s warmer offshore waters. It is known to occur as far north as Nova Scotia in the western Atlantic and northern Spain in the eastern Atlantic. In the winter it occurs south of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the West Indies. It is also known to enter the Mediterranean Sea.Though basically a deep water oceanic species, it does come in fairly close to shore off California because of the cool current and to feed on marine mammals. It also frequents Australian and South African beaches and is suspected of entering saltwater creeks. The following list includes additional details on where to catch this fish:
Baitfish Patches |
Birds |
Deep Shore Water |
Reefs, Wrecks, and Shoals |
Bays and Estuaries |
Coastal Waters |
Night Fishing |
The Open Ocean |
How to catch White Shark
The diet of the white shark includes fish, squid, and other sharks as well as sea turtles, seals, sea lions, and sea gulls. This shark has attacked small boats, sometimes sinking them, and has been known to take a larger boat by the propeller and shake it. Fishing methods include bait fishing with large fish chunks or heads while using heavy amounts of chum. Trolling can also be an effective method.It is probably the most dangerous of all sharks as far as size, strength, ability and disposition to attach are concerned however these sharks do not target humans as their prey. The white shark is also a protected species in the United States under State and Federal Regulations. Anglers who catch white sharks must immediately release the fish unharmed or may face harsh penalties. The following are fishing methods used to catch this fish:
White Shark lures, tackle & bait
The following are lures, tackle or bait that can be used to catch this fish: