Northern Pikeminnow
The northern pikeminnow is a very large member of the minnow family. The northern pikeminnow is typically silvery-blue to gray color above on its back and silvery below.

Catch ease
Lake, River, Pond
How to identify a Northern Pikeminnow
Scientists distinguish all of the pikeminnows by counting scales and rays however most anglers will simply rely on geography of the catch as most of the species in this genus do not overlap. They have a deeply forked tail with a long snout and a large, toothless mouth that will extend back past the front of the eye. These fish normally run about 1-3 pounds but they have been reported up to 15 pounds.
Where to catch Northern Pikeminnow
The northern pikeminnow can be found throughout the Columbia River drainage basin and other coastal drainages of Oregon and Washington but its range also extends northward into British Columbia, Canada. The northern pikeminnow prefers lakes and other slow moving waters.
The following list includes additional details on where to catch northern pikeminnow:
Freshwater Lakes and Ponds |
Open Water |
Riparian Zones |
Dams and Falls |
Eddies |
Islands or Sand Bars |
Overhanging Trees and Bushes |
Rock and Boulder Pockets |
Drop-Offs |
Spring Holes |
How to catch Northern Pikeminnow
The northern pikeminnows feed on aquatic invertebrates and small fish. They can be targeted with light spinning gear, bait casting or fly tackle. They are readily caught on bait, fly, lure, or anything that resembles a small minnow and are scrappy fighters but considered poor table fare.
The following are fishing methods used to catch northern pikeminnow:
Northern Pikeminnow lures, tackle & bait
The following are fishing lures, tackle or bait that can be used to catch northern pikeminnow: