How to Tie an Arbor Knot
This knot will often be the first type of knot that you will tie when preparing for a day of fishing. You can also use this knot any time you want to change out the fishing line on your reel.
The arbor fishing knot is most often used when tying fly line backing, monofilament, and fluorocarbon line to a large arbor fishing reel. Using an arbor knot for braided line is not recommended unless you have a non-slip spool. If you don't have a non-slip spool and want to use braided line on your spinning or baitcasting reel, use an arbor knot to tie monofilament backing to your reel spool before adding the braided line with a line joining knot.
How To Tie an Arbor Knot: Steps
Twist the tag end around the standing end of the fishing line.
Wrap the fishing line around the spool hub a few times using the tag end of the line, and then tie a loose overhand knot in the standing end of the line. The second loose overhand knot in the standing end will act as a stopper.
Collapse the loop that you just created by pulling the standing end in to slide the first overhand knot toward the spool of the large arbor fishing reel. Moisten the knots as you tighten them to reduce the chance of the line weakening from friction.
Pull slowly and steadily on the standing end until the second overhand knot seats or snugs up next to the first overhand knot.
Finish the arbor fishing knot by pulling both overhand knots tight to the spool and then trim the tag end.
Wind the fishing line onto your reel, and then you are ready to tie on your leader line using a line joining knot.
The arbor fishing knot, just like other fishing knots, isn't difficult to learn. With just a bit of patience and practice, you will be able to tie the arbor knot quickly and easily.

How to Tie the Non-Slip Loop Knot
The non-slip loop knot is a popular and reliable choice for securing hooks, lures, and other tackle to your fishing line.

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