Fly Fishing Tackle Assembly
Get most out of fly fishing gear with step-by-step instruction on fly fishing tackle assembly and your fly fishing rod assembly. Your resource for all things fly fishing tackle and rod assembly. Learn step by step how to assemble your fly fishing tackle.
Fly Fishing Rod Assembly Steps
When learning fly fishing is important for you to learn how to assembly your fly fishing tackle and gear and other fly fishing basics. Follow these simple steps to learn how to assembly your fishing gear.
Your fly fishing rod assembly begins with connecting the ferrules (the connections between the fly rod sections). Most fly rods are two-piece, meaning there will only be a single ferrule connection. However, a multi-piece fishing rod assembly may contain as many as six sections (and five ferrule connections).
- Your fly fishing rod assembly begins with connecting the ferrules (the connections between the fly rod sections). Most fly rods are two-piece, meaning there will only be a single ferrule connection. However, a multi-piece fishing rod assembly may contain as many as six sections (and five ferrule connections). With pack or travel rods, begin assembling the rod at the butt end and progress to the tip.
- Line up the guides and slightly tighten the ferrule. Never push, force or twist the ferrule excessively - damage or locking of the rod sections may occur if you do. Look down the fly rod to make sure the guides are all in a straight line. To avoid rod damage, do not lay the rod down or prop it against an irregular surface as you unpack your fly reel. Be especially cautious of doors and car trunks, which break more fly rods than fish do.
- Attached the fly reel to the fly rod. Remove the fly reel from its bag or case. Do not drop it. Most fly reels will be damaged if dropped onto a hard surface. Position the fly reel correctly, making sure the handle is on the proper side, and tighten the reel seat hardware down snugly on the reel foot.
- Never tighten the fly reel to the seat by using excess finger pressure or pliers. Pull the line through the fly rod's guides. While holding fly rod with one hand, use the other to find the leader's end and pull the entire leader and 10 to 15 feet of fly line from the reel.
- Double over the fly line about 2 feet from the leader and pass the doubled end through each guide, pulling the excess fly line and fly leader after it.
- Never lay the rod down and pull the line out. This will cause reel damage and allow grit to get into the reel. If grit does get into the fly reel, remove the spool and rinse off both the frame and spool with fresh water. This will usually flush away most of the grit.
- Straight the fly leader and fly line. Hold the fly line firmly just above the leader junction knot. Grasp the fly leader at the junction with both hands and begin pulling, using sliding strokes, working slowly down to the leader tip. This heats up and stretches the coiled leader.
- Feel the fly leader get warm in your grip, then stretch it very tightly for about 30 seconds. This heating, stretching and cooling will straighten the leader. Repeat if necessary. Avoid using so-called leader straighteners. These can easily overheat the fly leader and weaken and damage it.
- Pull as much fly line as you will be casting out through the fly rod's tip guide. Slowly pull on and stretch short sections of the fly line. This should remove most of the line coils. Repeat this step if necessary. You can also attach the fly leader and fly line to a stationary object, then pull the entire length at once.
- Now rewind the fly line onto the fly reel. It will remain straightened for a day's use. Attach your fly to the fly leader tippet with either a Duncan loop, Turle knot or improved cinch knot. The Duncan loop, or Uniknot, is usually the most practical and versatile. Because the loop formed is adjustable, the fly can be held tight or loose, or with a large shock loop, with a simple loop size adjustment.
And that’s it. You’ve completed your fly fishing rod assembly, from connecting ferules to attaching flies. Now, read below for the best fly fishing tackle and gear maintenance and storage tips for your fly fishing tackle box.
Improperly disassembling and storing your fly fishing tackle can cause damage, deterioration, or delay before its next use. After a day of fly fishing, it is easy to neglect your tackle and forget it until next time. Avoid problems by following these fly fishing basics.
Fly Fishing Tackle Storage
To prolong the life of your fly fishing tackle, you need to store it properly. Keep both the fly rod and fly reel in a cool, dry, dark place away from sunlight when possible. Be sure you do not seal either the rod or reel case tightly during long storages. When storing your fly reel and fly line for a few months, it's best to remove the line from the reel, clean it and store it in large, loose coils to extend its life. Fly lines have soft, flexible coatings or finishes that will deform if left tight on a fly reel for long periods.
Well-maintained fly fishing tackle not only gives you the best return for your investment but is also less likely to fail when the fish of a lifetime is at the end of your line.
Courtesy of Fly Fisherman Magazine.
Learn how to tie flies specific to the type of fish you want to catch in our next section.
How to Set Up a Fly Fishing Rod

How to Tie the Non-Slip Loop Knot
The non-slip loop knot is a popular and reliable choice for securing hooks, lures, and other tackle to your fishing line.

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