RBFFResource CenterWebinars & Workshops

2022 State Marketing Workshop

2022 State Marketing Workshop

The 2022 RBFF State Marketing Workshop was held in Dallas, TX and live streamed to participants across the country. From February 21-23, representatives from all 50 state fish and wildlife agencies and Washington, D.C. came together to learn about and collaborate on recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) initiatives. View the agenda here.

Presentations and recordings from the Workshop can be found below.

Please contact jmartonik@rbff.org with any questions.

Texas Tales from the R3 Trail

Speaker: Craig Bonds, Inland Fisheries Division Director, TX Parks & Wildlife Department

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Who’s The Captain of The Ship? Trends That Will Steer Fishing and Boating into The Future

Speakers: Alli Bolger, Brand Strategy Director, Colle McVoy
Rachel Piacenza, Marketing Director, RBFF

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10 R3 Takeaways from Years of R3 Work

Moderator: Stephanie Hussey, State R3 Program Director, RBFF

Speakers: Micah Holmes, Assistant Chief, Communication & Education Division, OK Department of Wildlife Conservation
Justin Grider, R3 Coordinator, AL Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
Jenifer Wisniewski, Director of Marketing & Special Projects, TN Wildlife Resources Agency

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Adaptable and Innovative: Update on AFWA Actions

Speaker: Tony Wasley, Director, NV Department of Wildlife & President, Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

2020 Anglers in 2021: A Repeat Performance or the Sophomore Slump?

Nebraska Game and Parks used a combination of marketing and education to try to retain their new and reactivated 2020 anglers. Learn how their combination of emails, reverse IP targeting and multi-channel content marketing fared in 2021 and the lessons they learned for future efforts.

Speaker: Jane Gustafson, Assistant Division Administrator/Marketing & Advertising Manager, NE Game & Parks Commission

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Retaining New Anglers in the COVID Era

Texas Parks and Wildlife implemented a targeted effort to retain new anglers with special focus on those who bought a fishing license for the first time (in five years or more) during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic. By comparing results of treatment groups against those of a control group, they were able to determine lift and revenue that can be directly attributed to this campaign.

Speakers: Janis Johnson, Communications & Marketing, TX Parks & Wildlife Department
Eddie McKenna, Communications & Outreach, MA Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (formerly with TX Parks & Wildlife Department)

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Retaining the 2020 COVID-19 Cohort

Learn how Washington retained over 28% of new fishing license holders by using three key strategies.

Speaker: Tom Ryle, Sales & Marketing Manager, WA Department of Fish & Wildlife

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TikTok Ya Don’t Stop

It’s not just for the kids – more and more “millennial boomers” are spending time on TikTok. In fact, TikTok has over 800 million active users worldwide. But with all the dance trends and shenanigans, is it a platform government agencies should consider? Wisconsin has spent much of the last two years testing ways to make the platform work to engage with a younger audience. Learn how they have built a following of 60k, gone viral, and learned a lot of what works (and doesn’t) along the way.

Speaker: Katie Grant, Digital Communications Section Chief- Office of Communications, WI Department of Natural Resources

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Maintaining Momentum: Digital Strategies to Retain Anglers Beyond 2020

MassWildlife used a combination of in-person programs, new self-learning resources, emails, and ads on social media, Google, and YouTube to retain anglers in 2021. Hear tips, lessons learned, and plans for 2022, including the launch of a new licensing, events, and CRM system.

Speaker: Emily Stolarski, Communications Coordinator, MA Division of Fisheries & Wildlife

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Targeted Digital Marketing to Increase Participation Post 2020

The Nevada Department of Wildlife implemented a multi-tiered digital marketing campaign aimed at increasing fishing license sales and boat registrations. Learn how they succeeded despite navigating statewide droughts and wildfires.

Speakers: Aaron Meier, Public Information Officer/Boating Education Coordinator, NV Department of Wildlife
Chris Vasey, Conservation Education Division Administrator, NV Department of Wildlife

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How Social Influencers Can Help Amplify Your Message and Reach New Audiences

In this panel, learn how your agency can engage and partner with social influencers.

Moderator: Kendra Lee, Marketing & Social Media Manager, RBFF

Speakers: Tiffany “Snookie” Risch, Angler & Content Creator, Snookie Fishing
Tim Akimoff, Public Information Officer - Social Media & Podcast, OR Department of Fish & Wildlife
Sarah Friedl, Account Director, Exponent PR

Digital Marketing Resources to Further R3 Efforts

Learn more about the extensive resources available from RBFF to help your digital marketing efforts.

Speakers: Joanna Lario, Digital Content Manager, RBFF
Joanne Martonik, Senior State Marketing Manager, RBFF

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Lessons from the Urban Wildlife Conservation Program

Speakers: Dave Chanda, President/CEO, RBFF
Holly Richards, Fish Enthusiast, Fish and Aquatic Conservation
Chelsi Burns, Urban and Visitor Services Coordinator, USFWS North Atlantic Appalachian Region
April Alix, Conservation Program Coordinator, Providence Parks Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership

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What Does it Take to Tell a Better Story? Creating Emotional Connections with Your Content

Speaker: David Gee, Speaker and Communications Consultant

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