RBFFResource Center

First Catch Center™ Program

First Catch Centers™ Program

State agencies and non-profit organizations can apply to receive a fully-equipped fishing education trailer.

First Catch Centers™ Program | Apply for a Fishing Education Trailer

Since 2017, the Take Me Fishing™ First Catch Centers™ (FCC) have been bringing the joys of fishing to communities across the United States. Our mobile trailers, equipped with fishing rods and gear, have inspired tens of thousands to try fishing, especially in underserved areas.

Applications for new FCC trailers will be accepted between January 14th and February 11th. Please click here to apply.

Program Overview

The FCC program aims to increase participation in recreational fishing and boating by offering hands-on fishing and boating programs in urban and underserved areas. We partner with wildlife agencies and nonprofit organizations to deliver these experiences through fully equipped fishing education trailers.

The full program guide is available for you here. You can also view the FCC Core Criteria and Application Scoring Rubric and program case-studies from California and North Carolina.

Program Goals:

  • Offer hands-on fishing and boating programs in urban areas.
  • Promote basic angling skills and conservation ethics.
  • Provide enjoyable experiences for newcomers, youth, and families, empowering them to use their new skills in future outings.

Those selected for a First Catch Center™ receive:

  • Up to $25,000 in the first year for the trailer and equipment. (RBFF can pay vendors directly or reimburse expenses.)
  • Up to $1,500 in the second year for additional supplies.
  • Access to branded graphics and design services for the FCC program.

Applications are currently being accepted. Agencies interested in applying can find the questions in the program guide. Click here to see the FCC Core Criteria and Application Scoring Rubric

Contact Us: If you have questions beyond the program guide or to schedule an exploratory call, please contact Kayla Hornbrook (khornbrook@rbff.org) for more information.


