Common Carp
The common carp is a prolific survivor, and able to tolerate many conditions and bottom types, making it an ideal species for pond culture.

Midwest, South, Northeast, West
Catch ease
Lake, River, Pond
How to identify a Common Carp
The common carp is one of the largest members of the minnow family and a close relative of the goldfish. The carp’s closest look-alikes may be the bigmouth and smallmouth buffalos, which despite their resemblance to the carp, belong to an entirely different family (the sucker family).
The carp, the goldfish, and the buffalos all grow fairly large (the goldfish to about 16 inches; the carp and buffalos much larger); all have deep bodies; relatively small, protractile mouths; a forked tail; a single, long dorsal fin on the back; and large scales. The coloration of their bodies is also similar, ranging from olive brown to gold.
Where to catch Common Carp
The common carp are widely distributed in North America below the 50th parallel south to the Florida panhandle. Besides North America, Europe, and Asia, it is also now found in South America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
The following list includes places where you can catch Common carp:
Freshwater Lakes and Ponds |
Overhanging Trees and Bushes |
Rivers and Streams |
Dams and Falls |
Merging Currents |
Current Edges |
Outsides of Bends |
Riparian Zones |
Rock and Boulder Pockets |
Drop-Offs |
Undercuts |
How to catch Common Carp
The following are fishing methods you can use to catch Common carp:
Common Carp lures, tackle & bait
The following are fishing lures, tackle or bait you can use to catch Common carp: