Butterfly Peacock Bass
Of all the peacock basses, the butterfly peacock has the greatest variation in color.

Catch ease
Lake, Pond
How to identify a Butterfly Peacock Bass
They are yellowish green, with three dark, yellow-fringed blotches along the lateral midsection, or bars that typically fade in fish larger than three or four pounds. A small “eyespot”, characteristic of all peacock bass, appears at the beginning of the caudal fin. The iris of the eye is frequently deep reddish in color. They are also distinguished by the absence of black markings on the opercula. This species is believed to attain weights of 11 to 12 pounds.
Where to catch Butterfly Peacock Bass
The butterfly peacock is native to tropical South America but was introduced to Hawaii in 1957 and later to Florida and Texas in the mid 1980’s. It has also been stocked in many other locations including Puerto Rico, Panama, Kenya, Guam and the Dominican Republic. The following list includes additional details on where to catch this fish:
Cliffs and Steep Shore Banks |
Gradual Shores |
Inlets and Outlets |
Islands or Sand Bars |
Open Water |
Piers, Docks and Pilings |
Rocks |
Shoreline Shallows |
Sunken Objects |
Walkways and Bridges |
Freshwater Lakes and Ponds |
Holes |
Inside Turns and Coves |
Lily Pads |
Overhanging Trees and Bushes |
Points and Break Lines |
Drop-Offs |
Spring Holes |
Undercuts |
Freshwater Weed Beds |
How to catch Butterfly Peacock Bass
The butterfly peacock’s powerful, laterally compressed body and aggressive temperament make it pound for pound one of the hardest fish to handle on light tackle, but because of the size, light spinning lures and surface lures that resemble small fish are highly effective. The butterfly peacock has rapidly become one of the most popular game fish in areas where it has been introduced. Anglers also enjoy the peacock bass because of its tendency to seldom bite at night or early morning. This fish prefers to feed in broad daylight when temperatures are at their peak. The peacock bass is more than just a fighter with its beautiful coloration and serves as excellent table fare although most fish of this species are released. The following are fishing methods used to catch this fish:
Butterfly Peacock Bass lures, tackle & bait
The following are lures, tackle or bait that can be used to catch this fish: