Blue Shark
Blue sharks are pelagic, migratory and travel alone as well as in packs.

South, Northeast
Catch ease
How to identify a Blue Shark
These sharks are easily recognized by their brilliant blue color. The blue is dark cobalt or indigo blue dorsally, lightening to bright blue on the flanks and white on the belly. It is unique among sharks in that the larger teeth of the upper jaw are “saber-shaped”, with one margin of teeth broadly convex, the other row concave. The teeth are serrated along the edges and those in the lower jaw are narrower and razor sharp. Blue sharks have a slender, sleek-looking body with a large eye and long, conical snout that is longer than the width of its mouth. It has very long and pointed pectoral fins and the dorsal fin is of moderate size but set back near the pelvic fins.
Where to catch Blue Shark
The blue shark is a common shark species that inhabits cool temperate seas, often near the surface, but usually submerged to depths of 650-1100 feet in the tropics or in areas with warm water currents around 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit. Its niche as the common large pelagic shark is overtaken by the white-tip shark in areas of warm surface water. Blue sharks are present in the Mediterranean, absent from the Baltic and Red Seas, and extremely rare in the Gulf of Mexico. The following list includes additional details on where to catch this fish:
How to catch Blue Shark
Fishing methods include chumming with live or dead baits or trolling large dead baits. Baits include squid, eels, mackerel, herring and other live, whole fish or cut baits. This fish is not rated high as table fare. The following are fishing methods used to catch this fish:
Blue Shark lures, tackle & bait
The following are lures, tackle or bait that can be used to catch this fish: